
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Charlotte's Favourite Primary School Memory

 I remember my ‘favourite’ primary school memory. It was not really enjoyable…

There was this haunted shed in the back of my school that the teachers did not allowed us to get close to. At least not within a 100-metre radius near the shed. It was old and creaky. My friends and I were curious, so we broke the rules.

We tried to sneak into the shed but it was locked, so we went to the second floor (the stairs were outside the house). I felt really excited, breaking the rules. Not the first time that happened.

Anyway, when we climbed up to the second floor, we saw a lot of dead birds. I was actually with a group of boy, so it was obvious they did not scream. I could tell that they were freaked out by their expressions. I was not though. I really had no idea why they were so freaked out (I still do not). It was just a bunch of dead birds. Not much. Really lame. Then a teacher shouted at us and we jumped. Then we ran away.

Yes, that was the most ‘enjoyable’ memory I have.


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