
Our Opinions

Isabella's Work...

The blog's overall rating is upon 7.5/10. It has beautiful images and a theme which is Fashion. Though there were little words, people viewing it will be able to locate the information efficiently. The pictures suit the theme of the blog and ideas were presented creatively too. Links to other blogs were also included; this makes it easier for viewers to explore the world of fashion.
Improvement on the size of the font can be made to suit the readers as, in my opinion, the fonts are slightly too small.

Link to the blog:

Carlin’s Work…
The rating I’m giving the blog is 19.5/20. It has very catchy graphics all around the blog which makes me want to read more about the items they are introducing. The colours on the blog are vibrant which attracts people to read the contents. Language wise, it’s straight to the point and brief. There are even different categories for the different types of items people want to purchase. They are very innovative in terms of the way they present their blog. There’s even a chat box, links to other blogs, order and payment details and remarks and customization. What made me fascinated by this blog is that, they even included a calculator for their customers to add the sum of money of the items they want to purchase! This saves the hassle of walking over the whole house just in search of a calculator. Good efforts made in making the blog catchy! The fonts are of an acceptable size too. Towards the right hand side of the blog, there are important information stated like the contact details and even testimonials!

The writer has made the information she is trying to convey interesting; from the friendly tone she uses and of course the efforts of taking the pictures of the items she has designed down for the customers to have a glance. I can see that there are her own assessment of what she is designing for the customers in order to persuade them to purchase her items. There ain't any spelling mistakes or punctuation errors too! Excellent work!

In my opinion, this blog is awesome! All the answers to the questions customers have in mind are all there!

Presentation and layout: 4/4
Theme: 4/4
Design and graphics: 4/4
Interest: 3.5/4

Link to the blog:

Jun Hiang's Work...

Presentation and layout: 4/4 although the background is black, the font colours used contrast with the black, making the words and links bold and outstanding. The font size used is big, making it easy for the readers to read. There are many links, but locating them is easy due to the attractive and systematic arrangement of the links. The blog is also not cramped, but well spaced out.

Theme: 4/4 the theme for the blog is food, where to get them and how good they are. The author uses a lot of graphics to portray the theme and interest readers. Explanations are excellent, brief and straight to the point which combined with the graphics in terms of images, portray the theme of food to a higher level.

Design and graphics: 4/4 There are plenty of images, telling about where delicious food can be found and the dishes they serve which relates very well to the topic of food. The images pique the interest of the readers and also provide an example of what the dish is and what it looks like, enabling a better understanding of the dish itself.

Interest: 4/4 the author has put in a lot of effort in trying to make his blog interesting, you can see from how often he updates his blog, adds in images and improves his blog for food fanatics. There is practically no grammatical, punctuation or spelling mistakes in his post, except for a few dialect words added, but it gives it a Singaporean feel and his effort to make it flawless is most appealing.

Total: Full marks, a most wonderful blog!!!

Link to the blog:

Maxine's Work...

 Well, I’ll grade this blog 7/10. Its layout is fine and it's easy to navigate through the page but due to the fact that it’s white and there is not much colours, it's hard to attract people to view the page. The layout is a little clustered and there is too many stuff on one page. Graphics are related to the theme but the tips the blogger gave are not many and most of them are her own opinions. I think the graphics are the main things that would attract people's attention.
The pictures posted on the blog are fit to the theme, fashion, and it shows a variety of items. I can see that the blogger is trying to put in her everyday life to make the blog more interesting and she is trying to share her views with others. The language used is brief, but at the same time specific as she wrote the main points in a more detailed way. Even though this blog has its flaws, it has good tips!

Link to the blog:

Charlotte's Work...

For Presentation and Layout, I’d give the blog a 4/4. The layout is really attractive and I can find the more important things in the blog (though there isn’t much).
For theme, I have to give it a ¼. There is no theme at all and everything is just random. (Though I like random stuff)

Design and Graphics… I will give it a ¾. The graphics are related to the purpose of the site (which is for random discussions). They do not distract the reader or anything. The quality is good, though there are a few pictures that are blurry. That is probably why I did not give it full marks. The pictures are easy to understand as a description of the picture is given below/above the picture.

For Interest, I am giving it a ¾ too. Though the authors have tried to make the content interesting, some may find it a bit boring (though I don’t).

Overall marks, 11 over 20. It is a great blog (to me) but it lacks a proper theme (even the authors said it was random). If it had a proper theme, the marks given would probably be very much higher.

Link to the blog:

 Jia Qian's Work....
 I had found a blog called "little voices" and I will grade it 3 points for presentation and layout, because the blog has a quite attractive layout and the author had also included a blog archive, which will make it easy to locate important elements,therefore I will rate it 3 points.I will grade 4 points for the theme as the graphics,such as photos,uploaded on the blog ar related to the theme - the growth of the author's children, and the photos are clear and interesting,therefore I feel that it deserve 4 points.For the design and graphics, I will grade it 4 points, as the author had added a lot of interesting photos of her children,that are of high quality and are suitable and related to her theme,thereforeI will rate it 4 points. Lastly, for interest,I will rate it 4 points, as the author had added lots of interesting photos,while trying not to add too much words in her post,thus making the contents interesting and not boring.Therefore, I will rate the blog 4 points for interest.

Link to the blog: